fatweb enhancements

  1. performance: does fatweb ever slow down browsing? how much? if so, we need a trivial way to disable it and reenable as desired.
  2. have the flyover text in the status bar say: "Fat Web: 14 requests, 76,200 bytes", regardless of whether hovering over the request number or the size number. Be sure to use comma separator in bytes number (e.g., 76,200 not just 76200).
  3. next to the Close button, add a "Fat Web" button which should open fatweb page.
  4. when you left-click to open the popup, the window title should have the page URL which was tested and Fat Web version, e.g., "www.yahoo.com - Fat Web 0.4"
  5. text in the status bar should be underlined to show that it is a hyperlink.
  6. the modem times should have total size as label, maybe like this: "72,600 bytes 14sec @ 56k, <1sec 1.5M"
  7. center the details popup window on the browser; don't open it all the way to the left (folks with two windows like me will get the popup coming up all the way over the left on the other monitor when we are using a firefox on our right window)
  8. some folks have not gotten this to work, possibly since it conflicted with other popular firefox extensions they are using? i forget which ones, maybe weatherfox, web developer extension, checky?
  9. make sure this works for mozilla, not just firefox.
  10. bug from pat: 1) Open a new tab. Fatweb shows 0 bytes.Go to a page, and Fatweb (correctly) shows the bytes as they're loaded. 2) When that's done, open a new tab and go to a new page (preferably a large one) and while the page is loading, switch back to the first tab. 3) The counter for the first tab now shows the byte count for the new tab as it loads. Switch back to the new tab and its count hasn't increased.

f7 firefox | © 2005 f7.net | updated Sat 29-Oct-2005 9:13 PM | pme