Thursday, October 5

Forbes spam. I just got spam from Forbes, and at the end of the email, they say "To manage your preferences or change your delivery address, please click here."

First, a minor point-- unsubscribe links should be much more visible then sneaking in a "click here" link at the end of a line. Instead, the link itself should be unsubscribe from forbes email, as it is easier and quicker for a reader to scan read the links vs. making them read all of the text.

Second, and the really offensive thing, is that when I clicked the link, I was brought to a Forbes page which was actually titled "Become a member!".

Hello? I just clicked your obscure link to UNSUBSCRIBE, and you send me to a page titled "Become a member!"?

Then when I go to that page, there is no simple unsubscribe link, but I must instead either login (of course I don't have a login) or create an account.

These guys are idiots.
8:35 AM; digg


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